Jesus-Freaks: The Zealots of the Wasteland

Welcome to salvation, sinner. God bless the wasteland, and let the Lord save us from this hell. Cultists, depending on who you ask. When the country has fallen, and you don't know who or what to turn to, sometimes the basket you put all your eggs into is labeled "G-O-D", or maybe it's labeled "Cult leader". The 22nd century American wasteland leads to incredibly isolated communities, and it's not rare for cults to pop up. Marked by an incredible reverence to your lord or your leader, a rosary around your neck, and an insatiable desire to convert the heathens of the wasteland.
Who are you? Maybe you’re a devoted disciple, born into the faith, preaching the word of salvation to anyone who’ll listen (or anyone you can drag into your fold). Or maybe you’re the charismatic leader of a small, insular cult, using the wreckage of the old world as proof that God wants us to pay for our sin. You’re driven by a burning need to save souls, to cleanse the tainted remnants of civilization, and to guide these heathens and whores toward a heavenly—or at least, more orderly—future. Your faith is your shield, your rosary your weapon. You see the wasteland as a test from God, and every trial you face is an opportunity to prove your devotion to Him.
What drives you? The promise of salvation, the vision of a better world, and the divine mandate to bring others into the fold. Every sermon is a chance to convert, every gathering is a chance to rile your community against the ever-threatening darkness of those outside. You’re on a holy mission, and nothing—be it corporate greed, ruthless outlaws, or the sheer hopelessness of the wasteland—is going to stand in your damn way.
But don’t be fooled, bible-thumper— while you’re out there preaching about the afterlife, the reality is that the wasteland doesn’t give a damn about your holy mission. Your followers might be devoted, but they’re also hungry, scared, and vulnerable. And as you strive to save others, you might find yourself caught between the conflicting demands of faith and survival.
You’re a Jesus-Freak, an unshakable beacon of hope in a world that’s long forgotten what it means to believe.